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An Unfinished Death

Laurel Dewey

An Unfinished Death

Story Plant paperback

ISBN: 978-1-61188-004-5

Fiction Studio Books e-book

ISBN: 978-1-61188-018-2

Publication date: March 15, 2011

48 pages

Laurel Dewey’s Detective Jane Perry is quickly becoming one of the most distinctive, dynamic, and unforgettable characters in suspense fiction today. She’s rock hard, but capable of extraordinary tenderness. She’s a brilliant cop, but she’s capable of making life-altering mistakes. She’s uncannily talented, and she’s heartbreakingly human.

In this novella, set before the action in Dewey’s first novel, Protector, a man named Devinder Bashir reaches across the threshold of the hereafter to ask for Jane’s help. When Jane investigates his case, she learns that the man died ignominiously, but not suspiciously. But when Bashir continues to haunt her dreams, she realizes that the story of the man’s death is far from finished.

About the Author...

Laurel Dewey (edited)

Bookreporter says, “Laurel Dewey has definitely earned a place in any discussion of the top mystery authors of the present day.” Over the years, the creative team at The Story Plant has been involved in the development of many of the suspense genre’s brightest stars. When we first read national bestselling author Laurel Dewey, we knew we were meeting a writer with as much storytelling energy and raw emotional power as any we’d encountered. Readers share our enthusiasm, writing rhapsodically about their experiences with her novels and their emotional connection with Dewey’s unforgettable main character, Detective Jane Perry. Meanwhile, Dewey's standalone novel, Betty's (Little Basement) Garden will let you see the world in a completely different way, and Dewey can even help you grow healthier plants.

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