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Letter from Paris


Letter from Paris

Story Plant hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-61188-141-7

Fiction Studio Books e-book

ISBN: 978-1-61188-142-4

Publication date: June 10, 2014

240 pages


“What a wonderful book, a dramatization of an authentic way of being and the journey that India, the main character, takes to get there.”

— Beverly Donofrio, author of Riding in Cars with Boys and Astonished

India Butler’s journey to America put her life on a new track. Now a trip to Paris threatens to derail her – or to make things all they are supposed to be. With a new job, a new friend, a potential new lover...and an old lover, India is dealing with nearly as much as she can handle. But that’s only the beginning.


The infectious sequel to India’s SummerLetter from Paris is witty, glamorous, incisive, and refreshingly real.

About the Author...


Therésè writes fiction that is at once outrageously entertaining and very wise. She has earned the praise of a diverse group of major figures in the world of letters and film, including Arianna Huffington, Ekhart Tolle, Jane Green, Goldie Hawn, and Orlando Bloom.

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