A Long Gray Line
Simon Gervais
Former counterterrorism expert Simon Gervais’ debut novel, The Thin Black Line, was an immediate sensation and an international bestseller, drawing raves from bestselling authors, reviewers, and readers. Now those characters are back in a sequel novella that puts them on a mission with potentially devastating consequences.
A Long Gray Line pits the International Market Stabilization Institute – a privately funded organization operating outside official channels to protect North America's financial interests – against two foes at the same time. One could decimate the American stock market and throw the entire world economy into a tailspin. The other is a piece of unfinished business from their last operation that could be even more destructive. Their ability to act in the face of confounding choices will have an effect on the future for years to come.
Featuring Mike and Lisa Walton – the husband-and-wife team of operatives who led the charge in The Thin Black Line – A Long Gray Line is a thriller so packed with action and tension that it contains enough excitement for stories four times its size.
About the Author...
Simon Gervais is a former federal agent who was tasked with guarding foreign heads of state visiting Canada. Among many others, he served on the protection details of Queen Elizabeth II, US President Barack Obama, and Chinese President Hu Jianto. He has also protected the families of three different Canadian prime ministers. Prior to this, Simon spent five years in an anti-terrorism unit and was deployed in many European and Middle Eastern countries. He now writes full-time and is a member of the International Thriller Writers organization. He lives in Ottawa with his wife and two children.