Ken Goldstein: Separately and Together
Updated: Mar 29, 2023

With the holidays upon us and two extraordinarily difficult years behind us, I’ve been reflecting on the impact of long periods of isolation many of us have experienced. Curiously it’s not all bad, because I think we have learned to appreciate the time we have alone as well as with others.
Balance offers us a framework for interpreting our thoughts and actions in a dynamic set of circumstances we can neither predict nor control. Resilience is all about never ceding optimism to defeat, but all of us have a breaking point where too much uncertainty creates doubt in our sense of self and others. I think we need both individual and shared strength to be at our best, and holding onto hope that we can overcome doubt is very much an exercise we pursue separately and together.
As we ready ourselves for another year of daunting and exhausting challenges, here are a few perspectives I’m attempting to balance to better navigate the always unpredictable social landscape:
Separately we study in quiet;
Together we validate the suppositions of that study.
Separately we examine the data collected from our experiments;
Together we wrestle that data into a platform of possible directions.
Separately we read from the infinite library available to us;
Together we exchange ideas about those writings that inspire us to rethink our interpretations.
Separately we meditate and pause to block out compounding noise;
Together we find common ground in agreeing on what is noise and what is dialogue.
Separately we examine our values and define a personal mission;
Together we align our interests and develop a shared vision.
Separately we have control over our time to address personal distractions as they emerge;
Together we temporarily eliminate those distractions to focus on our vibrant interactions.
Separately we find comfort and reassurance in our chosen tribes of like opinions;
Together we break down the unnecessary barriers that fuel divisiveness and obstruction.
Separately we know truth in the privacy of our minds unless we are lazy in inquiry or choose to deny known facts;
Together we openly acknowledge honesty regardless of its inconvenience in recognizing the integrity of objectivity.
Separately we contemplate the complex nature of right and wrong;
Together we form bonds that drive behavioral norms around right and wrong.
Separately we embrace evaluation of our psychological motivations and inescapable biases;
Together we embrace diversity and bring necessary change to the marketplace of ideas.
There is little question in my mind that we need time separately to develop a clear-minded sense of self, purpose, and identity;
There is even less question in my mind that we must regroup together at regular intervals to build dependable teams, functioning communities, and enduring friendships.
About the Author...

Ken Goldstein is the author of three books, This is Rage: A Novel of Silicon Valley and Other Madness; Endless Encores: Repeating Success through People, Products, and Profits; and From Nothing: A Novel of Technology, Bar Music, and Redemption, all published by The Story Plant.
This is great. And it has to be true that we've learned a lot. I like this: "Together we openly acknowledge honesty regardless of its inconvenience in recognizing the integrity of objectivity."
I like as well the idea of "separately" as opposed to "alone" I always think of myself as alone when I'm writing. But are we ever actually alone as writers? Thanks for this, Ken.